Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Raising Intuitive Children

Raising Intuitive Children
By Dr. Caron Goode

Who Are They?

All children have the natural intelligence of intuition (II). Some children are highly skilled or gifted in this talent in the same way that others have a talent for math, music, languages or physical dexterity.

Since each of us has a preference in how we relate to the world, the book, Raising Intuitive Children, shows how children with an intuitive learning style and intuitive intelligence view and interact with people, tasks and the environment.

Children with intuitive intelligence have traits that manifest in different ways along a continuum of normal skills to gifted talents:

Children who learn through feelings and process information kinesthetically. (Intuitive learning mode)

Children who are creative and artistic and intuition drives their motivation. (Artistic drive for exploring and creating, entrepreneurial)

Children whose intuitive intelligence is like a radar reading other people and understanding them. (Empathy and interpersonal skills)

Children who have intuitive episodes like dreams or a flash of creative insight. (Deep insight, precognition)

Children who are psychic. (Awareness of non-physical worlds through all senses or a specific sense.)

Intuition is the common denominator of these talents, and all children have the same intuitive capacities. Like musical prodigies and math geniuses, children display their intuitive talents differently. Some educators call the intutive kids the right-brainers! (Better than no-brainers, I guess)

II is the new kid on the block

Education, parenting and psychology professionals recognize that children have multiple intelligences, and intuitive intelligence is the new kid on the block. All intelligences exist on a continuum of normal to gifted. There are math prodigies, musical geniuses and intuitive psychics. The traits for intuitive intelligence cluster into several groups:

Creative and inspired artists,

Sensitive and empathic feelers, and

Talents involving inner psychic awareness,

Spiritual intuitives

Intuitive intelligence stands as an entity deserving recognition. Brain mapping using EEG topography found that creativity and intuition are associated with theta waves usually linked with daydreaming or fantasizing. Theta waves are calm states in which intellectual activity at the conscious level isn't occurring. Children and adults with ADHD produce excessive theta waves.

Our logical mind addresses stable patterns, snapshots of reality stored in our memory banks, for the practical living. The holistic or holographic side of our reality, intuitive intelligence comes from within. By focusing our attention on how intuition presents, we act from deeper understanding.

Intuitive intelligence operates on gestalts or whole pieces of information and functions from our memory, not logic. Intuitive ability is finally recognized as the fuel behind innovation, creative thinking, inspiration, insight, and psychic experiences.

Intuition is an essential part of the human mind, which includes our conscious processes and unconscious processes-thought perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination. Intuition involves nurturing self-awareness of the inner world, the outer world, and the connection in between

Connection is the key!

There is much we can do as parents to direct expressions of inventive and creative thoughts, help empaths deal with emotional overwhelm and establish resilience, face fears of ghosts. Children with intuitive intelligence, challenged by cultural systems which do not know how to connect with or teach them, need permission to follow their personal path and optimize their talent. We can give that permission and model it for them by developing our intuitive parenting. We also need to become intuitive parents.

Our truest parenting success is the feeling of resonance with our child, the connection of hearts, the meeting of minds-congruence.

Dr. Caron Goode is a licensed psychotherapist, author and inspirational speaker. Gifted with compassion and a deep desire to assist others in living their passionate purpose, Dr. Goode has become a well-respected leader in the parent coaching industry. In addition to founding and operating the Academy for Coaching Parents International that trains students in the empowerment model of parent coaching, Dr. Goode shares her holistic approach to achieving parenting success and managing family relationships in magazines, newspapers and radio. She is also the author of twelve books, including The Art and Science of Coaching Parents and Raising Intuitive Children. (read a free excerpt on

Monday, July 27, 2009

In Pictures: Dressing For Business, Not Pleasure - Ill-fitting clothes -

In Pictures: Dressing For Business, Not Pleasure - Ill-fitting clothes - "© Getty ImagesIll-fitting clothes
The classiest outfit can be a sartorial nightmare if it is too baggy in the bum or if a button at the chest is pulling. Be sure that your clothes have mobility--no too-tight pants or too-narrow skirts. Pachter advises buying clothes at department stores with on-site tailors. If you're current closet doesn't fit because you've gained or lost weight, seek out a neighborhood tailor to adjust it. Just a few tweaks to a poorly fitted pantsuit can take you from frumpy or bumpy to authoritative."